Tuesday, January 24, 2023

November 2022

 OLMC School Board Meeting

November 15, 2022

Present: Jason Swann, Fr. Mark Reyling, Dr. Amanda Brazis, Liz Lively, Mary Bondioli, Liz Isler, Maria Deaton, Sarah Hagler, Marlyn Cairatti, Jamie Burris, and Kent Ingersoll. Absent: Leigh Bedokis- Gusta, Barry Vesciglio-VanAcker, Scott Stefan, Dr. Josua Miksansek, and Catalina Huerta.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Dr. Brazis. Fr. Mark led the board in prayer.

School Committee report by Kent Ingersoll:

·        OLMC raffle tickets will go home next week and be sold until March 3rd. The prize drawing will be held at the first fish fry.

·        Mardi Gras committee will start meeting next week. Plans are to create some new games and ideas, some with older students in mind.

·        This is the last year that Liz Bokerman will chair the Dinner Auction committee so a volunteer will be needed for that position for next year.

·        If the raffle is very successful, it is hoped that in the future, only three major fundraisers would be needed - cash raffle, Mardi Gras, and the Dinner Auction.

Principal’s Report:

·        The school, especially the Junior High, has been hit hard by the flu.

·          Sister Paulette is out on retreat this week.

·        There are still lingering 4th grade issues to be addressed later.

·        Overall, the morale of the school and faculty is good.

·        The official date for accreditation has been set for March 7th.   Visitors will be in the school all that day. Faculty is working on curriculum mapping and checking that all student files are complete and accurate. If at the time of the accreditation report, there are any discrepancies to be addressed, there is a time period allowed to rectify any issues.

·        The FACTS letters did go out and at this time there is only one family not in compliance and the principal is working with them currently.

Liz Isler moved to approve the October 18th board meeting minutes. Liz Lively seconded and the motion was approved.

Pastor’s Report:

·        Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be at 8:00 a.m. Participants are asked to bring food for the Herrin Pantry as their offering.

·        Advent will begin on November 27th.

·        Feast of the Immaculate Conception is December 8th with an 8:30 Mass that morning and 5:30 Mass the evening before.

·        There will be an Advent Penance Service at 2:00 on December 11 at Holy Spirit Church (Carterville) with three priests available for Reconciliation. (The Lenten Penance Service will be in Herrin.)

·        Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass will be on December 12th.

·        On December 18th there will be a Carol Sing-a-long at the church at 2:00 with the church choir leading and all invited to sing-a-long.

·        Christmas masses will be at 5:30 and 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 10:00 on Christmas Day in Herrin.

·        Bishop McGovern has asked Fr. Mark to consider getting his Canon Law Degree. This would involve four years of classes and work, much of it on line, and then probably an assignment in the Belleville area when completed.

The next School Board meeting is scheduled for 6:00 on December 20th. Location will be determined later.

Fr. Mark led the board in a closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned.

Principal Swann requested the board meet in Executive session.