Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 2014

OLMC School Board Meeting   10/16/14

Tiffany Sievers – against the proposed policy, thinks the allergy is a disability, a lot of nutritional value to peanut butter… should set up a peanut free zone to keep the kids with allergens – policy should meet the needs of the few while not being overly restrictive to all the others.  Does not like the label of “peanut free” for our school, this is a Catholic school.  These kids need to learn how to deal with it, the real world is this restrictive and we don’t want them to get the false impression that this is a safe place.
Kay Gabbe – son has severe peanut allergy… doesn’t believe this is a disability, it is a life-threatening condition… provided the board with a lot of info.  Worries about the separation that will take place if they are singled-out for their allergy.
Mr. Harrison – education is the key, and is the key to increasing awareness… but because we have community functions and athletic events on campus, it will be difficult to effectively enforce.
Lisa Miller – agrees that this will be difficult and suggests that we assemble a medical council to teach parents, students, teachers about these life threatening conditions… based on contacts with other schools, it is important that you attempt to be peanut-aware, but it will be difficult to be peanut-free… being peanut free opens you up to liability if there is a breech… there is also possibly a cost concern for replacing the peanut products we currently have in our school lunch program… contacted schools in our diocese about students with peanut allergies and presented several options such as prepackaged PBJ sandwiches and allergy tables to help protect the children… keeping our children safe is our main priority.
Shirlene Carnage representing Charlotte ? – they make peanut cookies in the kitchen and wonder where they stand on being able to have/prepare for their events?
Chris Severs – thinks that Robert’s rules of Order should be followed.  “This is a slippery slope – what about other allergies and how will we manage them?”
Javier Muniz – Presented that peanut allergies fall under the ADA and are considered a disability – wants to make it very clear that a peanut ban does not stop a child’s reaction because it cannot guard against an accidental exposure and there will be one, it’s just a matter of time… kids are bullied because they have a food allergy or are being singled out… Javier went over his time and didn’t relinquish the floor when asked - just continued talking even though each of the presenters before him followed the 3-minute rule (though some reluctantly) when their time was up.
Exec Session Starts: 
First Exec Session is concluded at 7:25 PM, back to open session
Board addressed gallery about special session to be held on 10/27 where a vote will take place on an amended policy that will include 
precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of accidental exposure
adding parental involvement through an education committee
looking at language to encourage awareness and offer options for alternative choices
Principal’s report – looking into a company called erate solutions – we got in touch with them and it looks like we can Net approx. $3,000 per year on a three year contract
Almost lost our Spanish teacher – “Save the Flave” was a successful movement through the help of John A. Logan College and Congressman Enyart’s Office
Active shooter training will take place on 10/24 at noon and the recommended process is a change from previous years.
Asbestos inspection was today 10/16 and we were fine, will be looking at purchasing a firedoor or changing the lock on the upper room.

Tom motioned to adjourn, Brad seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM