August 20, 2015
Members Present: Faye Myatt, Marlyn Cairatti, Mary Belanger, Tammy Pullum, Monica
Schramm, Gary Spoerre, Leigh Bedokis-Gusta, Brad Heard, Amy Weaver, Michelle Rickard
and Barry Vesciglio
Visitor: Kent Ingersoll
1.) Opening Prayer
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:01 and Gary led the board in prayer.
2.) Approval of Minutes from June Board Meeting
Leigh made a motion to approve the June minutes which was seconded by Monica,
and the remainder of the board was also in favor.
3.) Kent Ingersoll provided a School Committee Report
a.) 5K run is scheduled for September 5th. Help is needed in spreading the word
since sign- ups are down.
b.) The Mardi Gras Committee had nothing to report
c.) Planning for the Auction has begun and help is needed.
d.) The Schwan’s Kick Off is Sept. 9th. Order Deadline is October 16th.
e.) Tracey Steele has stepped down as Bingo Coordinator and Jen Heard has
agreed to step in. The committee decided to discontinue free drinks for Bingo workers. A
Bingo Captains meeting is to be scheduled.
4.) Principal’s Report
a.) Enrollment:
Principal Faye reported that 288 students are enrolled and began the school
Pre-K = 34; K = 33 (2 classes); 1st Grade = 20; 2nd Grade = 29 (2 classes); 3rd
Grade = 25; 4th Grade = 35 (2 classes); 5th Grade = 25; 6th Grade = 32 (2 classes); 7th
Grade = 23; 8th Grade = 33 (2 classes).
b.) Wall in K-5:
A wall in the 3rd Grade classroom is falling apart. It appears to be caused by
rain damage causing the plaster to fall from the wall. The bricks appear sound, but
the falling plaster is a concern.
c.) Accreditation 2016-17:
OLMC Accreditation conducted by the State Board of Education and the
Dioceses of Belleville has been pushed back a year from 2015-16 to 2016-17.
The school is preparing for our review and could be ready if the accreditation board comes early. We are currently working on a few small issues like repairing or installing new exit signs, posting evacuation instructions, etc.
d.) Principal Appraisal – Board Sheets:
School Board sheet of the Principal will be distributed and due back to Fr. Ken
directly Feb.
e.) Parent Orientation:
There was a great turn-out for this year’s Parent Orientation held Aug. 11
f.) Parent’s Newsletter and Teacher’s ePlanbook:
Principal Faye is now emailing her Friday Newsletter to parents. This has had a
very good response and allows an additional means of direct communication with parents
that have questions or comments. Principal Faye also purchased Planbooks.com for
our faculty this year. The feedback from them thus far has been very positive, even by
those who were initially reluctant to use an electronic planning system.
This program also provides greater lesson continuity for substitute
teachers when faculty members are out.
g.) Bishop's visit October 29th:
The Bishop has postponed his visit from October 7th to October 29th (The Feast
of Our Lady of the Rosary). The Bishop will be unable to say Mass that
morning and has also request that he meets with students without their
teacher present to ensure candid responses.
h.) New School Fundraiser Help:
We could use help selling raffle tickets for a new motorcycle. We especially
need help at the DuQuoin State Fair. Packets of tickets given out to students are due back on Friday, Sept. 18th.
i.) TV in Church:
Utilize large screen TV in the gathering space of the church. It was decided to
show school activities on the TV and a means of helping the older
parishioners to connect to the students/school. This might help
them become more invested in the new school project.
j.) Tech Committee:
Principal Faye proposed the possibility of a sub-committee of the School
Board to address technology issues. The board did not approve or
disapprove this idea but several members volunteered to gather information
on what other schools in our area are doing to optimize the use of current
technologies in our school. Tammy Pullum is going to find out about the
“spider/spaceship things” mounted to the ceilings in the English
Dept of the High School.
k.) Presentation of new Advanced Spanish Curriculum:
Board voted to adopt program
5.) Athletics
a.) Diocesan Boys Basketball Tournament:
OLMC will be hosting the diocesan boys’ basketball tournament on January 8 -
10. We need to find a gym to use for some tournament games.
Tommy and Martha Johnson submitted a report on OLMC Athletics on August
20, 2015. OLMC is looking to fill the Athletic Director position for next year.
6.) Other / New Business:
a.) Early Band practices start on August 26th. Mr. Mark McClurken holds practices on
Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 7:30am for 30 minutes.
b.) There was also discussion about the possibility of the upper classes (girls)
being able to change into gym clothes for P.E. That does not seem possible
given time constraints so they may be given the option to wear a t-shirt to
school on days that P.E. is first or second period (8:15am – 8:45am; 8:45am –
9:15am), then change into their uniform top.
c.) The Board asked for clarification that birthday treats sent in with a student do not
have to be store bought, as is the case in the public schools. However,
they must comply with the new allergy management policy.
d.) Principal Faye is looking into getting more information on the Illinois Kids
Campaign that is working towards scholarship funding for private/parochial
schools and also tax breaks vouchers for those who send their children to private/
parochial schools.
Amy made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Monica seconded.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17th at 6:00 pm in the Holy Family
Room (HFR).
UPCOMING MEETINGS: October 12th; November 9th; December 7th