OLMC School Board Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2015
Members Present: Fr. Ken Shaffer, Faye Myatt, Amy Weaver, Brad Heard, Leigh Bedokis-
Gusta, Monica Schramm, Marlyn Cairatti, Gary Spoerre, Brandy Miliani, Victor Sanchez,
Barry Vesciglio, Mary Edna Russell
Other Attendees: Fernando Castillo, Martha Johnson, Tom Johnson
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm and Fr. Ken led the committee in prayer.
2. January School Board Meeting minutes were reviewed. Leigh motioned to approve them and
Marlyn seconded the motion.
3. Pastor’s Report
Fr. Ken provided an update on the new school building project.
a.) A goal was set that as of March 1, 2016 to have half the funds necessary (@ 5 million)
for the new school in the bank in order to receive approval from the diocese to break
b.) Currently, 72 people have volunteered to visit potential donors and help work on
donations. Fr. Ken encouraged the board members to help as well.
c.) As of today, we have about 1.4 million in the bank and another $700-800
thousand pledged.
d.) As of April 1st on-line giving will be possible through our bulletin service. St. Clare
Parish in O’Fallon, IL is currently using a similar service and you can visit their website
to get an idea of what ours will look like.
4. Principal’s Report
Kindergarten Round-Up, March 24th, 9-11am
a.) 35 invitations to the Kindergarten Round-Up were sent out. Two Kindergarten classes
are anticipated for the upcoming year. Ideally, Kindergarten class sizes should be no
greater than18 students.
b.) Intent to Register Letters are scheduled to be sent home by the end of the week.
c.) Principal Myatt discussed upcoming staffing issues due to class (grade) changes:
2 Kindergarten classes; 1 - 1st grade; 2 - 2nd grade classes. Faye is considering several
possibilities to cover her staffing changes/needs including a P.E. teacher (possibly Craig
Herman). The Athletic Director position had been decided to be handled by a
d.) Faye is working on necessary updates to the OLMC School Handbook the allergy
policy, Student Allergies Form, and possibly the Tardiness Policy. A discussion ensued
regarding the difficulty of compliance to the Tardiness Policy and effective consequence
for repeat violators of the policy. One suggestion was to have a required Open House
for all parents, providing an opportunity to discuss the policy, penalties and the negative
for all parents, providing an opportunity to discuss the policy, penalties and the negative
impact tardiness has on teachers and students.
5. School Committee Report
a.) A school committee meeting was held this evening at 6pm, prior to the school board
meeting. Leigh provided a brief update of the topics discussed including: the 5K Run
is scheduled for September 5th, the possibility of a parish festival, a bocce tournament,
plans for the spaghetti dinner
b.) Moving banking from Banterra Bank to First Southern Bank.
c.) Discussion about the possibility of utilizing volunteer time to be credited toward
assessment fee
d.) Marlyn made a suggestion that grandparents of students to be contacted for volunteers
activities (ie. Playground duty, cafeteria duty, etc)
6. Athletics
a.) OLMC co-ed soccer club. Father Ken asked Fernando Castillo to make a brief
presentation to the board regarding his plans to establish a competitive middle school
soccer program. The team which is comprised of 6th, 7th, and 8th students (boys and
girls) from OLMC will be called the Herrin Knights. This league plays in the spring and
will not conflict with school sponsored sports activities (ie: cross country). A possible
outcome, which needs to be discussed further, is the establishment of an OLMC varsity
soccer team to play in the I.H.S.A. conference.
b.) Team updates - Girl’s Volleyball is doing very well. The Bowling Team’s season is
currently underway. Cross Country has also begun their season.
c.) Laundry detergent fund raiser was held in February and will end at the end of this week.
7. Technology Update
a.) Martha informed the Board that 3 new Apple Airports have been purchased by the
school and 2 of them have already been installed. The Airports are/will be located in the
school and 2 of them have already been installed. The Airports are/will be located in the
Resource Room, Mr. Herman’s room and Mrs. Russell’s room. The installed units have
greatly improved internet connections.
b.) Mark Dillon has donated 3 computers. One is to be placed in the Counselor’s office and
the other 2 location are to be determined.
8. Budget Report
a.) Gary informed the Board within the next couple of weeks more information regarding
budget cost changes and additional cost within the upcoming year will become
available. He plans to present a budget review at the next Board meeting with
incorporates this information ensuring greater accuracy for review.
available. He plans to present a budget review at the next Board meeting with
incorporates this information ensuring greater accuracy for review.
9. Miscellaneous
a.) Leigh, Monica and Brad will head a committee for new School Board elections.
b.) Confirmation is on Monday, April 13th
c.) Executive Session – at 8:30 pm Brandy requested to move into Executive Session which
was seconded by Leigh.
was seconded by Leigh.
At 9:08 pm Amy moved to adjourn the meeting and Brandy seconded.
**Next School Board Meeting: April 6, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the HFR